Extremism according to Wikipedia is “the quality or state of being extreme” or “the advocacy of extreme views or measures”. The term is primarily used in a political or religious sense, to refer to an ideology that is considered (by the speaker or some implied shared social consensus) to be far outside the mainstream ItContinue reading "PROMOTING PEACE BUILDING PARTICIPATION"


In recent times, the word sustainability , sustainable development goals (SDGs) , “green economy” has been recurring in different conversations relating to Nigeria’s development towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. The problem here is that just a few Nigerians really know the meaning of sustainability, ask a random Nigerian whatContinue reading "SUSTAINABILITY FOR DUMMIES:SUS 101"


You might be wondering whether CV and Cover letter Writing actually need classes. "Well it actually doesn't since there's the internet" - that's the thought of many people.😥 But let me blow your mind; 1. As easy as it might seem to compile all your accomplishments and doings into a single document, many still findContinue reading "CV WRITING AND COVER LETTER WRITING CLASS"

Taslim Elias Students Chamber 2017/2018 Executives

I'm about to share the people that would make Taslim Elias Students Chamber greater than it already is. The executives of every organisation, club and society are usually in charge of whatever goes on in the society. They determine the success and the failure of the organisation. I just want to assure you, the peopleContinue reading "Taslim Elias Students Chamber 2017/2018 Executives"